Media Brazil Forum

Full Version: Donation MarcosQui
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I'm sorry, I received an invitation, but I don't have access. What am I doing wrong ?
Sent an invite now to your second Gmail, check, please...
Yes, everything is fine now. Thanks again !
I have made a donation on the MarcosQui site for 1 month.
Thanks for a great skin!
Hi Wanilton
made my donation today
Thank you and Marcos Qui for your superb work.

I made a donation today to support you.  Keep the hard work up!
Thank you

I have make a donate today on MarcosQui site for 1 month.

I dont no, what's next?
, your status was changed. The invite to drive was sent to your gmail.Thanks for supporting us.
hallo ich habe auch gespendet, wo kann ich den VIP Plus Status einsehen?
Hi, , status was changed, invite was send, check your gmail.


I have make a donate today on MarcosQui site for 1 month.

Where I can download the VIP Plus skin ? Thanks :)
, thanks for supporting us.

Was sent an invite to our main drive, where you find our files, including our repository (plugins, addons, scripts) and the MQ9 skin, check your gmail.
The same as with my predecessors, I donated, but no access to MQ 9 or anything else

Hi Wanilton,

Thanks for your great job!
I made a donation 30min ago.

Could you please send me the link to gain an access ?
Thanks a lot.
, the Status was changed, and one invite to our main drive was sent to your Gmail.

Thanks for supporting us.

Any help or questions let me know.


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