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Posted by: MarcosQui
22/09/2019, 17:29
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Essa é uma versão de avaliação pré 1.5.0 com algumas correções do foi reportado até o momento.
This is a pre 1.5.0 trial version with some bugfixes that have been reported so far.

Novo: Músicas/submenu - item CONTRIBUINTES.
Corrigido: Teclado virtual - O botão ESPAÇO está com o título errado.
Corrigido: Janela de Calibração de tela - faltam itens.
Corrigido: Introdução ao iniciar a skin.
Corrigido: Navegador para tela de toque.

New: Music/submenu - ROLES item.
Fixed: Virtual keypad - the SPACE button has the wrong title.
Fixed: Screen Calibration Window - missing itens.
Fixed: Startup intro.
Fixed: Touch screen navigator.

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Posted by: Wanilton
08/09/2019, 17:53
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Coming soon in the official repository.
If you don't want to wait, direct link:

Skin Ace 2









The new Ace 2 skin has changed. The skin leaves it small and limited to become a large and powerful skin, in some cases more powerful than Aeon MQ 8 and with amazing performance.
Much code has been rewritten. Much has been rethought or improved to achieve maximum customization and performance.

- New layout based on text, icons and colors.
- Reminders for items in progress and suggestion based on last played media.
- New layout for context menu submenus.
- Option to set background as collection fanarts, which will automatically appear for any menu with related content.

- A brand new selector organized by categories, also includes sorting and sorting options in the same window.
- A new code provides over 200% faster widget loading speed compared to Aeon MQ 8.
- Direct access to playlists and nodes. You no longer need to create an item in the main menu to have playlist widgets, you can now choose any existing playlist or node independently.
- The well-known feature called My Menu now gives way to Custom Favorites. Each of the 20 menus can have a set of independent custom favorite widgets. You can create a list with unique or mixed content with movies, sitcoms, addons and etc ..
- New button for Custom Widget where it is possible to include a url for exclusive content.

- A new view called Tech has been incorporated. It has a modern look and fully customizable.
- A new view called SetsPlus has been incorporated. Displaying all items present within the set.
- The right list, Frame, and Wall views have been improved layout.
- The media label bar now shows audio and subtitle languages ​​graphically, with the language, channel and audio codec flag.

- New layout for the Pause window with milimalist design.
- Video Info window with cast widgets.
- New OSD menu bar with several built-in functions like direct access to audio tracks, subtitles and my note.

- New layout, more organized and complete.
- Artist Info window with discography widgets.
- New OSD menu bar, with several built-in functions such as direct access to upcoming tracks, backgrounds, my note, preview effects and playlist.

- Improved, cleaner and more organized layout.
- New feature called My Submenu. Some menus have a default submenu, others have no submenu. In this case just choose an empty set and include in it the submenus you want or you can also clone the submenu from another menu. This feature eliminates many idle lines of code while giving more customization power. With My Submenu there is no longer the limitation of shared submenus as there is in Aeon MQ 8. Each menu has its own independent set.

Icon selector for the Main Menu. You can choose between internal or external icons. You can also change the box color of each menu.

Composition is a background image for the Menu bar, where you can choose a background image, a folder with multiple images, or even an animated gif.

- Option to choose between light mode or dark mode.
- In addition to the familiar options for setting panel and title colors, it is now also possible to change the color of the entire skin text, as well as the color of the hover button.

- In the Replace selector now all add-on options are available. You can create a menu with direct access to any item and include all other options as submenus.
- In addition to the menu the skin also offers full support for Netflix widgets.

- Completely reformulated, with grouped information where it is possible to see the current condition and also hourly separated by color between morning, afternoon, night and dawn.
- No longer need to define between northern or southern hemisphere, Ace 2 does this automatically based on the geographic coordinates of the chosen city.

- The Reapply adjustments function has been improved. Main menu customization is not affected using this function, only the general settings will be reset.
- Full Reset function is still available and resets all skin settings back to default.

- My note - In the media info windows and also during playback you can set a personal note. This note will appear as My Rating in all windows where there is rating information.
- Several windows have been reviewed to improve navigation and overall experience.
The first Ace had new code and interesting ideas, which underpinned the creation of Aeon MQ 5.
The story repeats with Ace 2, the skin that will be used as the basis for the future Aeon MQ 9.

Support Thread


One skin By MarcosQui

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Posted by: MarcosQui
04/09/2019, 21:10
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Essa é uma versão especial - pré final. Essa versão tem algumas melhorias na vista SetsPlus e na janela de Visualização de Músicas.
Além disso eu fiz vários ajustes finais (fora da lista de alterações) para que a skin seja submetida ao repositório oficial. 

This is a special version - pre final. This release has some improvements in the SetsPlus view and the Music Visualization window.
In addition I made several final adjustments (out of the changelog) so that the skin is submitted to the official repository.

Melhorado: Vista SetsPlus - adicionado informações sobre gênero, porcentagem reproduzida, estrelas e nota.
Melhorado: Visualização de Música - estrelas de classificação não são exibidas se a classificação for igual a 0 (sem classificação do usuário).

Improved:  View SetPlus - added information about genre, percent watched and rating stars.
Improved: Music Visualization - rating stars are not displayed if rating is 0 (no user rating).

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Posted by: Wanilton
03/09/2019, 11:04
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Wednesday (09/04), MarcosQui will release the new version of Ace 2 - 1.3.9, with fixes and improvements.

Quarta-feira (04/09), MarcosQui irá lançar uma nova versão da Ace 2 - 1.3.9, com ajustes e melhorias.

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Posted by: MarcosQui
31/08/2019, 18:55
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Essa versão tem o novo tipo de vista chamado SetsPlus que serve tanto para conteúdo único como conteúdo de conjuntos (sets). Exibindo todos os itens presentes dentro do set.
Além disso a skin volta a ter suporte a Composição do Menu Principal, onde é possível escolher uma imagem de fundo, uma pasta com várias imagens ou até um gif animado.

This release has the new view type called SetsPlus that is for both single content and sets content. Displaying all items present within the set.
In addition, the skin will again support Compositing from the Main Menu, where you can choose a background image, a folder with multiple images or even an animated gif.

Novo: Vista SetPlus.
Novo: Menu OSD - opção para fechar o menu automaticamente.
Novo: Imagens de Composição para Menu Principal.
Melhorado: Navegador de Arquivos.
Corrigido: Layout no widget Mudo.

New: View SetPlus.
New: OSD Menu - option to close the menu automatically.
New: Composition Images for Main Menu.
Improved: File Browser.
Fixed: Layout in Mute widget.


[Image: bVG5n5v.jpg]


[Image: KYvUyAo.jpg]


[Image: 0dGQp5o.jpg]

[Image: qxENRfu.jpg]

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Posted by: Wanilton
27/08/2019, 12:22
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Saturday (08/31), MarcosQui will release the new version of Ace 2 - 1.3.0, with fixes and improvements.

Sábado (31/08), MarcosQui irá lançar uma nova versão da Ace 2 - 1.3.0, com ajustes e melhorias.


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Posted by: MarcosQui
25/08/2019, 12:13
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Essa versão tem o novo seletor de ícones para o Menu Principal. É possível escolher entre ícones internos ou externos. Também é possível alterar a cor da caixa de cada menu.
Foram feitas correções dos problemas reportados além de uma melhoria no código para deixar a skin ainda mais leve.

This version has the new icon selector for the Main Menu. You can choose between internal or external icons. You can also change the box color of each menu.
Bug fixes of reported issues were made as well as an improvement in code to make the skin even lighter.

Novo: Customização do menu principal - Seletor de ícones.
Novo: Customização do menu principal - Seletor de cores.
Melhorado: Customização do menu principal - Seletor SUBSTITUIR separado por categorias e subcategorias.
Melhorado: Customização do menu principal - otimização no código, cerca de 700 linhas foram eliminadas.
Corrigido: Customização do menu principal/seletor do substituir - botão Favoritos não funciona corretamente.
Corrigido: Janela Principal - predefinições do Menu não exibem nenhum item.
Corrigido: Ajustes da skin - função para ativar/desativar relógio e temperatura estão invertidas.
Corrigido: Guia de TV - cor da fonte para o item selecionado.
Corrigido: Guia de TV - sobreposição entre o status da biblioteca e o relógio.
Corrigido: TV ao Vivo/OSD - botão canal + e canal - não funcionam.
Corrigido: Cache de imagem para as arte de disco.

New: Main Menu customization - Icon Selector.
New: Main Menu customization - Color Picker.
Enhanced: Main Menu Customization - REPLACE Selector separated by categories and subcategories.
Improved: Main Menu Customization - optimization in the code, about 700 lines were eliminated.
Fixed: Main Menu Customization/Replace Selector - FAVOURITES button does not work properly.
Fixed: Home window - Menu presets do not display any items.
Fixed: Skin settings - function to enable/disable clock and temperature are reversed.
Fixed: TV guide - font color for selected item.
Fixed: TV Guide - Overlap between library status and clock.
Fixed: Live TV/OSD - channel + button and channel - do not work.
Fixed: Image cache for the disc art.

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Posted by: Wanilton
20/08/2019, 12:32
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Next Sunday (08/25), MarcosQui will release the new version of Ace 2 - 1.2.0, with fixes and improvements, including icon and color customization in main menu items.

Próximo Domingo (25/08), MarcosQui irá lançar uma nova versão da Ace 2 - 1.2.0, com ajustes e melhorias, incluindo customização de ícone e cor nos itens do menu principal.


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Posted by: MarcosQui
11/08/2019, 16:18
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Usuário VIP regular terão acesso a versão 1.0.0 sob pedido por MP para o Wanilton.
Regular VIP users will have access to version 1.0.0 upon request by PM to Wanilton.

Lista de alterações:
Novo: Menu Principal com opção para layout vertical.
Melhorado: Abrangência do modo kiosk.
Corrigido: Sobreposição entre o Submenu e o Tocando Agora.
Corrigido: Faltam Posters e outras artes (clearlogo, clearart e etc ...) se usar um HD removível.
Corrigido: Cache de imagem para as artes de mídia.
Corrigido: Janela de Info - falta botão Atualizar.
Corrigido: Detalhes de layout no teclado numérico.
Corrigido: Customização do Menu Principal - item add-on jogos não tem função.
Corrigido: Janela de programas - Top Menu fica particialmente visível quando a janela é aberta (em alguns casos).
Corrigido: Janela de ajustes do add-on - não é possivel acessar a barra de rolagem.
Corrigido: Falta enredo para itens do Advanced Emulator Launcher.

New: Main menu with option for vertical layout.
Improved: Kiosk mode coverage.
Fixed: Overlapping between Submenu and Now Playing.
Fixed: Posters and other arts (clearlogo, clearart and etc...) are missing if you use a removable hard drive.
Fixed: Image cache for the media arts.
Fixed: Info window - Refresh button is missing.
Fixed: Layout details on numeric keypad.
Fixed: Main Menu Customization - add-on games item has no function.
Fixed: Program Window - Top Menu is partially visible when the window is opened (in some cases).
Fixed: Add-on settings window - unable to access scroll bar.
Fixed: Missing plot for Advanced Emulator Launcher items.

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Posted by: Wanilton
06/08/2019, 17:57
Forum: Portal Media Brasil
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Next Sunday (08/11), MarcosQui will release the new version of Ace 2 - 1.1.0, with fixes and improvements, including new vertical main menu mode.

Próximo Domingo (11/08), MarcosQui irá lançar uma nova versão da Ace 2 - 1.1.0, com ajustes e melhorias, incluindo novo modo de menu vertical.


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