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thats too bad. it was my favorite view type, pleeease guys if you want to make happy at least a couple of big fans from your work (cuase i guess besides me should be another fans from glass view) add ...
Wanilton Wrote: (27/01/2013, 18:54) -- @LinkinStg, MarcosQui removed List and Glass List views, in latest release skin Ace (version 0.6.1), nothing wrong. -- i see, i was loving the glass view, it ...
just one question, i cant see the viewtype glass list on ace 0.6.1 is that normal? or do i need to do something else besides just install it from the zip?
the translation to spanish (argentina) its done!!!! haha im happy, i just cant wait to put my hands on the final realese
got it, I just send the request for xbmc frodo, and just started to translate on ace where you add me regards
I want to help with this project by making the translation to spanish (latino america) its ok if I start a new team for that?