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Search Results
MarcosQui Wrote: (25/09/2013, 08:40) -- This is already fixed since Beta 6: Fixed: Status Widget - Text size to accommodate large titles. -- Thank you as always.
OK, thank you for the detailed reply. Apologies for 4. I used to have my system set to blue under MQ4 so I assumed this had also changed the scroll bar etc. Would it be possible to extend the to...
JohNan Wrote: (24/09/2013, 16:19) -- samu-rai Wrote: (24/09/2013, 16:08) -- That looks like it may be an issue with the way you are getting to the menu. If you haven't got one already, try mappin...
JohNan Wrote: (24/09/2013, 10:18) -- MarcosQui Wrote: (24/09/2013, 09:28) -- @JohNan "30 seconds instead of changing the highlighted item". Surely you have some isolated problem, there is nothing w...
@MarcosQui Sorry to bother you again, but did you manage to look at the points raised here (http://www.xbmcbrasil.net/showthread.php?tid=705&pid=6069#pid6069) at all?
st graveyard says: Quote: -- I just want to let you know the following : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=173153 (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=173153) This is gonna be big...
@Skank - Did my suggestion for resizing the covers work? I assume as you have stopped asking it has, but you haven't replied to my earlier post checking if it had.
SavellM Wrote: (09/09/2013, 06:58) -- samu-rai Wrote: (05/09/2013, 19:39) -- @SavellM I wrote a tutorial (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=150934) for something similar to this for MQ4. I...
Skank Wrote: (08/09/2013, 03:50) -- few, not easy -- Did it work?
Skank Wrote: (04/09/2013, 03:50) -- henricos Wrote: (03/09/2013, 11:12) -- @"Skank", That's because you have posters with different aspect ratio in your collection... I guess that if @"MarcosQ...
@SavellM I wrote a tutorial (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=150934) for something similar to this for MQ4. It describes how to separate kids movies, but the principal is the same and coul...
Hi All Back with a few suggestions, thoughts & possible bugs. Firstly, I have seen from reading through the forums, as discussed here (http://www.xbmcbrasil.net/showthread.php?tid=546&pid=6034#p...
newoski says: Quote: -- Hi Guys, Right I'm struggling with the new MULTIPLEX view because I can never tell what piece of content is selected. I'd really like to see the "selected" content...
Quote: -- Make a solem Customize Main Menu Button in the skin settings on the left side. It's the BIGGEST feature of your skin and the only way to currently access it is at the bottom of the main men...
There definitely does seem to be something up with the studio information. It may be something to do with the script.extendedinfo. I've worked out what happens. If you are in your movies library...
I like the idea of solo mode for TV tunes above. I think I may have found another bug. I'm not sure if it persists in all views, or if it shows in movies too. (I didn’t have time to check last nigh...
I think I may have found a bug. When in the screen to enable views, if you press the right arrow (and possibly the left) the system freezes.
Thanks wanilton. I'll try it later. Do I need to do anything in particular to get it running, or just install?
Hi Guys Will the script.extendedinfo work with MQ5 out the box? I haven't trued it yet, but thought I would ask. Cheers
Hi Guys Sorry for my lack of involvement so far, only just found time to update to the latest beta. Marcos - Thank you for including some of my ideas so far. The skin is looking great. A coup...