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Hi Max, thanks for your concern ! Happy New Year, the one who´s writing this message is Tales (Wanilton Oldest Son) my father just got home from 2 months on hospitalization. On the last and third s...
Saiu versão Alpha 3 do Kodi Omega, próxima versão já será Beta 1 Time for the next milestone release for Kodi 21 "Omega". Slightly delayed this time around compared to what we were striving for, ho...
Thought some users might want to hear about the state and future of Kodi from the 'Tech over Tea' YouTube channel with the president of the Kodi foundation. https://youtu.be/YUVHNk3n0ZA
@"Turco Kamikaze" Do you have one folder with extrafanarts for each movie? It´s will cycle the image in the movies library, when you are seen the movie items. movies\extrafanarts or your have in...
Atualizaram a libbluray para versão mais recente, de número 1.3.4.
More one cool feature, I work to turn possible in the latest days Arts when listening to radio music, available in our custom Kodi version Omega and Nexus, skin with support MQ9 1.6.0-10. Radio ...
More one cool feature, I work to turn possible in the latest days Arts when listening to radio music, available in our custom Kodi version Omega and Nexus, skin with support MQ9 1.6.0-10. Radio ...
Skin MQ9 support now CJK fonts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic) - Version Was adding Modern Font too. Greek and Cyrillic are native with the default font now. https://i.imgur.co...
Skin MQ9 support now CJK fonts (Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic) - Version Was adding Modern Font too. Greek and Cyrillic are native with the default font now. https://i.imgur.co...
Saiu a Omega alpha 2 Kodi "Omega" Alpha 2 Prerelease, Developer Team Kodi June 18, 2023 · 4 min read Time for the next milestone release for Kodi 21 "Omega". This is our second Alpha rel...
Βασιλιάς Wrote: (22/05/2023, 16:15) -- @Wanilton your skin is different from the one in the repo I don't have viewing (music osd) no fanart cycling through at all[hr]@Wanilton and I use tidal so arti...
@"Βασιλιάς" The skin rotates the artist's images ok, so no need to use the artist slideshow (continue use for get the artist bio and similar - Need to configure the addon for work). About furni...
@"Merlim Super" Instale o HD direto no USB do xbox, deve resolver
Matrix only, but I don´t know why is slow for you, have in our test great performance, and the skin code was very optimized. Marcos needs to revise the code to work great in Nexus too. Please i...
@"Jacko" About Missing total items when using a smart playlist, yes it´s something that needs more check, work before but don´t work now.
@"Jacko" Hi, the skin request to Kodi install addons when browsing the Kodi areas. Please check the skin settings area, there you find all add-ons necessary, so I think are missing add-ons or Kodi...
Download Script Skin Helper Colorpicket 2.0.3 Error Fixed https://files.xbmcbrasil.net/script.skin.helper.colorpicker-2.0.3.zip
Public Thread MQ9 for use with Kodi Matrix: https://www.xbmcbrasil.net/thread-4754.html COMO OBTER A SKIN? A skin está disponível no repositório oficial do Kodi. VISÃO GERAL Uma skin com inte...
Download MQ9 - Skin Themes (4K) resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq9-1.1.0: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17yFNTtY-5iPg-m8OLL9GzEp0j4eEcBxu/view?usp=sharing