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Dicas / Tips uRepo Repositório
Globo Ativo 

Novo repositório uRepo se encontra disponível para add-ons legítimos. que por alguma razão não podem ser mantidos no oficial, entre eles os do robwebset.

Web site: http://www.urepo.org
uRepo is an independent "unofficial" Repository of 3rd party Kodi Add-ons.
Mission is to provide a centralized location to upload and publish as many legitimate Kodi Add-ons as possible
uRepo differs from the official Kodi repository by allowing more Add-ons, discussion and user feedback as well as easy submission from developers.

Apoie o projeto MEDIA Brasil. Faça uma doação ou assine e torne-se Vip - Tenha acesso aos recursos exclusivos das versões customizadas + acesso área vip do fórum.  
Support the Media Brazil project. Make a donation or subscribe and become VIP - Access the exclusive features of the custom versions + access the VIP area of the forum.
Request more info via chat or private message.

Please do not PM me for support; use the forum instead

Media Brazil Forum Staff
KODI 21.0 Omega Custom / Skin Aeon MQ9-1.6.0-29 - 09.15.2023
Be Vip Plus, donate.

Messages In This Thread
uRepo Repositório - by Wanilton - 19/12/2016, 01:05
RE: uRepo Repositório - by Vagner Dias - 01/01/2017, 11:27
RE: uRepo Repositório - by iorifly - 01/01/2017, 11:32
RE: uRepo Repositório - by Vagner Dias - 01/01/2017, 14:30
RE: uRepo Repositório - by Wanilton - 01/01/2017, 19:46
RE: uRepo Repositório - by Vagner Dias - 06/01/2017, 10:03

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