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Skin Aeon MQ 5 Frodo and Gotham

1. the watched icon in showcase (without coverlabels) is showing wrong, no? its not on the cover but is floating closer to the eye.. so not with the cover.. hard to explain but you see that on the picture no?

2. nevermind that

3. i am using latest script version... strange but i dont get any sets like i explained, but in main library view, i do
Sinal Aviso 

(24/09/2013, 09:28)MarcosQui Wrote:  @JohNan
"30 seconds instead of changing the highlighted item". Surely you have some isolated problem, there is nothing wrong with the skin. A clean install maybe!?

"top part of the subtitles window is covered by the pause top title screen". To be honest I have not encountered this error, but I fix an overlap in the information screen, I hope that's it.

I noticed that when you hit the arrow keys you highlights the next item but the menu dissappear directly afterwards. So to be able to scroll sideways I have to bring up the menu again by moving the mouse. So the 30 seconds jump only happens if I click the arrows two times directly after each other. That makes it really complicated to highlight an item far away.

Maybe it's just the subtitle window that is larger than other windows.

I'll try to make a small video of these issues.


Thanks for taking a look at it.

Skickat från min GT-I9500 med Tapatalk 4
Sinal Aviso 

(24/09/2013, 10:18)JohNan Wrote:  
(24/09/2013, 09:28)MarcosQui Wrote:  @JohNan
"30 seconds instead of changing the highlighted item". Surely you have some isolated problem, there is nothing wrong with the skin. A clean install maybe!?

"top part of the subtitles window is covered by the pause top title screen". To be honest I have not encountered this error, but I fix an overlap in the information screen, I hope that's it.

I noticed that when you hit the arrow keys you highlights the next item but the menu dissappear directly afterwards. So to be able to scroll sideways I have to bring up the menu again by moving the mouse. So the 30 seconds jump only happens if I click the arrows two times directly after each other. That makes it really complicated to highlight an item far away.

Maybe it's just the subtitle window that is larger than other windows.

I'll try to make a small video of these issues.


Thanks for taking a look at it.

Skickat från min GT-I9500 med Tapatalk 4

That looks like it may be an issue with the way you are getting to the menu.

If you haven't got one already, try mapping one of your buttons to send an 'm' keystroke, and then navigate using the arrows.

(24/09/2013, 16:08)samu-rai Wrote:  That looks like it may be an issue with the way you are getting to the menu.

If you haven't got one already, try mapping one of your buttons to send an 'm' keystroke, and then navigate using the arrows.

That explains why it acts like it does. I'm used to Aeon Nox which have these buttons in the top bar always visible when the video is paused.

Thanks a lot for finding a solution. But it still acts a bit odd if you would only use the mouse for instance, not using the m key. :-)

Skickat från min GT-I9500 med Tapatalk 4
Sinal Aviso 

(24/09/2013, 16:19)JohNan Wrote:  
(24/09/2013, 16:08)samu-rai Wrote:  That looks like it may be an issue with the way you are getting to the menu.

If you haven't got one already, try mapping one of your buttons to send an 'm' keystroke, and then navigate using the arrows.

That explains why it acts like it does. I'm used to Aeon Nox which have these buttons in the top bar always visible when the video is paused.

Thanks a lot for finding a solution. But it still acts a bit odd if you would only use the mouse for instance, not using the m key. :-)

Skickat från min GT-I9500 med Tapatalk 4

Yeah, I don't use a mouse at all with my system. So I'm not sure how the skin responds. Glad it worked for you though.
Sinal Aviso 

(24/09/2013, 09:56)samu-rai Wrote:  @MarcosQui

Sorry to bother you again, but did you manage to look at the points raised here at all?
Quote:I have noticed that when the 'stacked' option is turned off in showcase view, it almost exactly resembles the multiplex view. As such, I thought it would be nice if the covers in multiplex were made smaller, much like MQ4, and this would then essentially give you an extra view.

I would also be grateful if a 'fixed list' option could be added to coverflow view in the music library. Another thought is a feature to be able to choose from two types of cases in music view; a dark case as currently shown, and a transparent case as in MQ4.

I think I may have mentioned this one before, and I'm not sure if it is a bug, something you have on your list to do, or even if the skin is intended to be like this. When I choose a different colour for the skin (blue for example) all of the text colour changes, but none of the 'furniture' such as the scroll bar or the watched label does. Again this may be intentional, but it was not the case in MQ4 so I just wanted to let you know if you didn't already :)

1 - Multiplex = Showcase in flat mode, this is an old subject. I can decrease the size of the covers at the multiplex but maybe this will displease others.

2 - Coverflow not support fixed list, the way the view was written does not allow this.

3 - 2 types of case? I think it can be done, no promise.

4 - The color of the scroll bar and watched label is fixed, I have no plans to change it for now. In Aeon MQ 4 is exactly the same, only blue.

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OK, thank you for the detailed reply.

Apologies for 4. I used to have my system set to blue under MQ4 so I assumed this had also changed the scroll bar etc.

Would it be possible to extend the top info bar slightly on the next release?

The current width cut's off the watched figure on my TV show library. Although I do realise I have a lot of episodes :smilelegal

Screen shot below:

[Image: screenshot000_zps5f8a4798.jpg]

This is already fixed since Beta 6:

Fixed: Status Widget - Text size to accommodate large titles.

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Sinal Aviso 

(25/09/2013, 08:40)MarcosQui Wrote:  This is already fixed since Beta 6:

Fixed: Status Widget - Text size to accommodate large titles.

Thank you as always.

I installed tvtunes, looks like a great addon
After downloading the themes..
When i enter a tvshow, its not playing..
not sure why?
Downloaded latest version of tvtunes
frodo MQ5

Marcos, for trakt.tv addon skin integration
Look : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...t=trakt.tv

Both creators of trakt.Tv addon says that the skin needs adjustment for some part.. look at post 811 & 812
Would be great if MQ 5 has support

@Skank I believe that put one button in context menu is enough, right?

TvTunes need to be set 'on' in top menu.

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My request would be for a separate option to always have the pause screen "clean". Then if the person wants the information they can always manually bring up the media info. If this can't be an extra option, I would request that the media info take up less screen space.

@MarcosQui -> for trakt.Tv addon yes context menu needs change, im not that good in code.. perhaps ask creators of addon what exactly needs a change

Tvtunes now working, thanks for pointing to the top Marcos
Love it !

@Skank, it´s done, available in Release Candidate 1.

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Did anyone end up completing the guide on how to separate anime from tv shows... looking thru the post but maybe i missed it... X_X

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